National News

Various items owned by former White House intern Monica Lewinsky are being put up for auction. The items include Lewinksy’s extra large negligee, a blue hoodie, personal letters and a birthday card. The items are expected to earn up to $25,000 to $75,000 according to ABC news.

If You Missed It, Originals

Dominique jokes with the crew about Monica Lewinsky’s negligee being up for sale and Aaron Hernandez‘s arrest.  

Huggy Lowdown presents this week's "Bama of the Week." Contender #1: Monica Lewinsky, Huggy exclaims, "after 14 years now you want to spit it out." Contender #2: Lindsay Lohan or "Liquor Lush" for her hit and run accident in NYC. Contender #3: Ben Vereen for filing for divorce after 36 years of marriage, Huggy jokes […]


Monica Lewinsky kept fairly mum in describing the details of her affair with former President Bill Clinton; that is until now. Lewinsky is set to release a new tell-all book exposing the sexual secrets of their once hidden affair. The former White House intern and mistress has compiled a book filled with accounts highlighting some […]