Russ urges everyone to be selfless in this time saying that it’s all about “us” right now, not “me.” Unfortunately, we can’t ignore what Trump says and do what we know is right, because there are still a lot of people who believe every word that he says. Believe it or not his approval ratig […]

The President of the United States and his staff have publicly called the Coronavirus the “Chinese Flu” and the “Kung-flu.” This is “hateful” and uncalled for Russ says. All Trump had to do was say that it came from another country, but of course he and his staff “had to make it racist,” and “xenophobic.” […]

Jared Kushner, who Russ refers to as “the king of all slum lords,” was given the task of advising the president on what to do about the coronavirus. The issue with that is that Kushner has no expertise in infections diseases. While watching Ring Of Fire, Farron Cousins was talking about the whole Kushner family. […]

Russ warns not to listen to Trump or Pence or anyone from the White House whose goal is to “protect themselves.” At this point we need the White House to “have some empathy,” and share information that is “consistent with the CDC.” The President needs to comfort the American people and make sure that people […]

Something has been “disturbing” Russ for the past week. Over the weekend a young girl broke hearts all over the internet when she said that she is “so ugly.” The woman who was braiding her hair was taken aback and immediately spoke positivity and love into the child. While the video was heartbreaking and touching […]

There are people who have self quarantined like Ted Cruz, but the conservatives have said and continue to say that the Coronavirus is a hoax to make Trump look bad. However, Russ says “you don’t shut down a whole country for a hoax;” and Italy has shut its country completely down. Russ puts the risk in […]

Coronavirus is no joke, and Russ recognizes that at this point it is pretty clear that we can’t “rely on really good information out of the White House.” As far as he can see, those in the White House “have their own beliefs,” he explains. The things that the people in the White House believe […]

Now is the time for truth, ” and we’re just not getting it out of 1600 Pennsylvania ave,” Russ says. There is still a lot of fear surrounding the Coronavirs, but Russ assures that people can, and do recover from it. The best way to prevent it is to practice good hygiene and hand washing […]

Russ believes that Bernie Sanders still has a chance at getting the Democratic nomination. The thing that he believes hurt Bernie on Super Tuesday is that the young people who support him didn’t come out and vote. He says he believes that Bernie has a right to stay in the race and put up a […]

Last night Black people showed up in the Polls “in droves” Russ says. And Trump should be concerned! Virginia doubled voter turnout and now you should see the power of your vote. Joe Biden was not projected to win Texas, but he did because people showed up. Russ believes that people like Biden because “he […]

If you’ve heard anything about Russ you know that he’s a big supporter of Gay rights. He recently got into a heated discussion with someone because he said that Mayor Pete didn’t get the Black vote because he is a gay man, and there is a lot of homophobia in the Black community. Then a […]

The Coronavirus is no joke. Russ is super annoyed by the amount of people he sees walking around coughing and sneezing in their hands. As a grown adult you should know to sneeze in your elbow! And on top of people’s fears and lack of hygiene, he can’t stand the way the Trump administration is […]