In situations where a woman has children with more than one man, but only one man pays child support regularly, is it okay if she divides the money between all of her kids? The issue here is whether or not it’s fair for one child to be better taken care of than others. DL says […]

There is a congressman in New York who wants to make it illegal to call the police on innocent people. DL agrees with this move saying that it should be held to the same standard as yelling fire in a crowded theater. Especially since nowadays there is no way that you don’t know what you’re […]

There are 10 reasons why dating a romantic man isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. If you’ve ever been out with one you can probably relate to at least a few of these reasons. Say for example you want to go out to dinner, well, he’s going to find somewhere beautiful! You’re probably wondering […]

Are you the parent of a college student? Do you want your house back? If you answered yes to those questions this song is for you. Scream it from the roof tops, and pack up their stuff because, “They’re goin back to college!” Don’t Miss Out! Follow The D.L. Hughley Show on Twitter and Instagram & Keep Up On Facebook Too! […]

Aretha Franklin had so many great songs, her top 10 could really be any of her songs. On DL and Jazzy’s list is Chain of Fools, Natural Woman, Ain’t No Way, I Say A Little Prayer, Think, I Never Loved A Man and Dr. Feel Good. What are your favorite Aretha songs? Don’t Miss Out! […]

As the world mourns the loss of Aretha Franklin,  DL says that, “we are at a loss for words,” because there are no words to describe the type of greatness that she embodied. She was the soundtrack from the civil rights movement all the way up to our first Black President. The Queen of Soul, […]

Sarah Huckabee Sanders went on live TV and attempted to clean up the issue of Trump saying the N word. There was no way that she could though, she can’t say that he never said it and then have a tape come out. His actions, his words and his followers all point to him being […]

Do you know if your man loves you? If he lets you get away with these 10 things he loves you! Try asking him if he’s okay with you skipping shave day, if he doesn’t care then he loves you girl! If you’re uninterested in his hobbies and he’s cool with it, he loves you! […]

The world is mourning the loss of the queen of soul, Aretha Franklin. DL was lucky enough to have a personal relationship with the queen and remembers her as a kind and funny person. He remembers the first time that he performed for her at her home and being able to joke with each other as […]

This election season is looking like it could be a good one. Louisiana Congressman, Cedric Richmond talks to DL about the good things that we as voters have already done, and the next steps. “African Americans are turning out in a higher proportion,” and also “over performing our white counterparts,” Richmond said, adding that those […]

Massachusetts will automatically register people to vote starting January 1, 2019. Residents will be registered when they make transactions at the states DMV or with the states healthcare system. So far 13 states and D.C have approved an automatic voter registration policy and 8 states have already begun using the policy. Don’t Miss Out! Follow […]

The Charlottesville rally and attack that left one dead was a year ago. Unfortunately the nation has not gotten any better, there is still hate and racism. The president has made people feel like it’s okay to go on TV and spread hate. People are saying on TV that they want to stop not just […]