
National News

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court is considering whether police may search cellphones found on people they arrest without first getting a warrant. The court’s latest foray into the issue of privacy in the digital age involves two cases being argued Tuesday that arose from searches of phones carried by a gang member and a […]

Top News

From Michael Jordan to LeBron James, from Magic Johnson to Kobe Bryant, from President Obama to prominent corporate partners of the NBA, the condemnation of racist comments purportedly made by Donald Sterling has come from all circles and has shown that the issue extends far beyond the Los Angeles Clippers. They all will be watching […]

National News

TUPELO, Miss. (AP) — After spawning deadly tornadoes that flattened homes and businesses in Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee, a storm system that also caused havoc in the Midwest had Georgia in its sights early Tuesday. At least 11 people in the South were killed Monday, bringing the overall death toll from two days of severe […]

Top News

NBA legend Kareem Abdul Jabbar, who is known for speaking out on issues of race in the United States, has weighed in on the alleged…

National News, News

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration is taking steps designed to help colleges and universities reduce sexual assaults on their campuses and provide better protections for the victims when they do occur. Schools should identify trained, confidential victim’s advocates and conduct surveys to better gauge the frequency of sexual assault on their campuses since these […]

Top News

CHICAGO (AP) — Rashad Harden, a house music and footwork pioneer who performed as DJ Rashad, was found dead this weekend of an apparent drug overdose, authorities said Sunday. He was 34. Chicago Police spokeswoman Janel Sedevic said a friend found Harden’s body Saturday afternoon in an apartment on the city’s West Side. There was […]

National News

The NBA is planning a Tuesday news conference to discuss the investigation into embattled Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling, who is alleged to have made racist comments in a taped conversation. NBA spokesman Mike Bass said additional details will be announced, though it’s unclear when that may happen. The news conference is a clear […]

Hannah Stouffer (pictured right), who was adopted at birth, has wanted most of her life to meet the woman who gave birth to her. One day…

Top News

NEW YORK (AP) — Used car dealership chain CarMax says it is ending its sponsorship of the NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers in the wake of racist comments attributed to team owner Donald Sterling. Sterling is alleged to have made the comments in a recorded conversation with a woman. Portions of that conversation were released over […]

News, Top News

  President Obama is making a lot of progress in his second term. Jasmine Sanders reports the justice department is making a change that will hopefully keep more…

National News

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — Jurors at the trial of a Tampa military wife accused of killing her two teenagers will see many disturbing images and hear hours of troubling evidence. They will see several sides to Julie Schenecker, a former military linguist who prosecutors say fatally shot her 16-year-old daughter and 13-year-old son. They will […]

Top News

CHICAGO (AP) — President Barack Obama‘s hometown of Chicago plans to name a high school after him. Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Thursday announced plans to…