It’s election time and the NAACP is working to get people to the polls! The NAACP is the oldest and largest nonpartisan civil rights organization. President and CEO Derrick Johnson says this election they decided to really invest in data and technology to get “infrequent voters” to the polls. “Infrequent voters,” are people who don’t […]

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We're only days away from Election Day and Michelle Obama is doing everything in her power to encourage everyone to vote.

We are one week away from election day and Jacque Reid goes Inside Her Story with Leah Daughtry and Yolanda Caraway, who wrote For colored Girls Who Have Considered Politics. We just had an extremely violent and deadly week and it will most likely have an impact it will have on midterms. Daughtry hopes it encourages people to […]

Here's what you should know if you experience voter suppression.

Damon has heard a number of excuses as to why people don’t vote. And he hasn’t heard a single good excuse. People say they don’t vote because their vote doesn’t count anyway, but, no vote is a vote for the other side. There are even people who don’t register to vote because they think they’ll […]

Early voting has started and Angela Rye tells the Tom Joyner Morning Show crew, normally Black and Brown people don’t show up in large numbers during early voting. But, this year the turnout has been much better, which is a good sign. The bombs that have been sent people who openly disagree with Donald Trumps […]

Tom has been getting lots of texts from listeners who have voted early! The number of people who are voting early makes him proud, but we have to get everyone to vote. We have very important races in several states such as, Georgia, Texas and Florida, and they’re all winnable. Don’t slow down now! Then, […]


I am going to sound like a broken record here, because it’s all I’ve talked about for weeks, and it’s all I’m going to talk about between now and Election Day, but I want to encourage all of our listeners to take a deep breath, stay calm stay focused, and VOTE. Listen to me – […]

We are 13 days away from midterm elections and Reverend Al Sharpton says it’s “time for the rubber to hit the road!” We can fuss at the TV, and be annoyed with politics, but if you don’t vote, noting will change. It seems like some of us have forgotten that we just “elected and reelected […]

People will tell you that your vote doesn’t matter, they’ll also tell you that nothing can change. Those are lies. They are trying to keep black people out of the polls because the candidates that are running are the types of people that we have been waiting for. Don’t let anything discourage you from voting. […]

The Republicans told all of their candidates to get on the same page. They have all been repeating “we support the affordable care act.” Which Russ calls a lie, He says every Republican on the ballot has publicly opposed the affordable care act because they tie Obama’s name to it. Don’t Miss Out! Follow The […]

Republicans in Georgia are trying to literally steal the election from Stacey Abrams. They have been denying Black people the ability to vote, they even went as far as to remove a group of senior citizens who were headed to vote from a bus. DL says this behavior shows that they’re afraid to lose, he […]