There are some girls who refuse to let go of fashion from their youth. Sherri has a friend who likes to wear her mini skirts but her spanx are longer than the skirt! Dom’s friends used to be skinny but they’re not anymore. Unfortunately, they don’t dress or their new bigger bodies; they try to […]

Sherri was a model! She was in Anguilla and got to model beautiful swimsuits alongside plus size super models! As much fun as it was, it was also hard work. She said she had to run on the beach and look like a model while doing it. Even if she fell, and she did, she […]

If your friend’s husband hit on you what would you do? Sherri had a friend who’s husband grabbed her butt, and she never told her. They had just gotten married and Sherri didn’t want to ruin her happiness. They’re divorced now but Sherri doesn’t regret not telling her because she doesn’t think she would have […]

Sherri will never forget Martin Luther King’s birthday, because years ago she was arrested on his birthday. This happened in the 90s when she was still a Jehovah’s Witness. She had traffic tickets that she never paid because she believed that Armageddon was coming; it didn’t. So she was arrested and spent time in the […]

Over spending during the holidays means that you have to cut back on some things. Kym now can’t get her hair “all the way done,” she can get the  braids but not the weave sewn in. So, she looks like Queen Latifah from Set It Off. What did you cut back on to save money? HEAD […]

Tom’s Boos Kym and Sherri are finally back! He hasn’t talked to them since before Christmas and now we’re halfway though January. A lot has happened since they last spoke and the ladies update Tom on the last month of their lives. But, they get a little jealous when Sybil brings up the New Years […]

Do any of your friends get crazy when they start drinking? Sherri’s friend who she doesn’t name but calls, “Lim Fitley” is an annoying angry drunk. She says “Lim Fitley” never thinks that she’s wrong and when she’s drunk she, “just be going off on people!” But Sherri says when you tell her about it […]

What do you do when your favorite brands do racially insensitive or racist things? The most recent incidents was Prada displaying blackface caricatures. Kym says if one of her favorite brands did something racist then she wouldn’t purchase anything new but she’d still wear the things that she’s already paid for. What would you do? HEAD […]

Nicki Minaj has a new man! The pair dated when they were teens and have recently rekindled their relationship. It’s only been a few months but they have reportedly already talked marriage and babies! Nicki’s new boo is a registered sex offender and did 7 years for manslaughter, but Nicki reportedly said she doesn’t care […]

Have you ever not been able to get a dress unzipped after an event? Kym had that issue last night. She wore a really nice dress out and struggled to get the zipper undone. She blames it on her extra “tata’s” and stomach. Sherri remembers those days and her other former “big girl problems.” HEAD […]

Sherri’s good eating habits are rubbing off on Kym. Sherri has been off of sugar for the better part of a year and both her health and weight have improved. Kym has been hating a little, mostly because she’s sick of hearing about how good Sherri looks. But, she has been inspired to cut back […]

There are things Kym and Sherri‘s parents did that they vowed to never do to their own kids. Sherri’s dad accidentally ran over her dog with his car but told her that the dog ran away because she got bad grades. She thought that was so cruel, and she’s actually still not over it. She […]