TJMS talks with Reverend Al Sharpton about the voter registration ID laws to dicuss the voter engagement tour. Sharpton points out the problem with the voter registration is that they are asking for new forms of ID, asking what's wrong with the IDs that we have been using in the past to vote. Listen to […]

Reverend Al Sharpton joins TJMS to dicuss the Fast and Furious Trial and the contempt vote against Attorney General Eric Holder.

Top News

The black church fueled the 20th century civil rights movement with everything from voter registration drives to justice rallies, and this week, the Rev. Al Sharpton and National Action Network will launch a modern day initiative to register and educate black voters and protect their votes. Thursday at Eatonville, Florida’s Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, National […]

Reverend Al Sharpton on Rodney King and the impact of his beating.

Reverend Al Sharpton discusses Florida voter purge and national voter suppression.with TJMS.

Last night, Mitt Romney became the official Republican nominee and was later greeted by Donald Trump in celebration. Trump took this time to again reiterate his belief that Obama was not born in the United States. Again, charging the birther campaign against President Barack Obama and setting off extremists across the United States. Sharpton believes […]

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A Southern Baptist leader has apologized to President Barack Obama and other black leaders for saying they were exploiting Trayvon Martin’s death for political gain. Richard Land said Wednesday he impugned the motives of Obama and the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, all of whom have shown support and sympathy for Martin’s family. Land […]

For days, I have been thinking about the march in Washington D.C. to “reclaim the dream.” I wanted to hear what others in attendance thought, not to take their thoughts as my own, but to let the whole experience wash over me before talking or writing about it. Our 24/7, say-it-fast, say-it-first news cycles don’t […]

We all have plans, schedules and agendas, and our ego – the human side of us – makes us think sometimes that what WE have to do takes precedence over everything else. For the past month, my mind has been on two main issues: The MLK Memorial and march led by Rev. Al, and what […]

Dear, Black America, I’m writing this letter to you because I have something personal I need to say. Yes, I’m posting it as a blog, and anyone who wants to read it has access to it, but that’s okay. Because I know – and you know – I’m talking to you. Mainstream media has been […]

When Tavis Smiley let us know he wanted to make an announcement on the TJMS, we opened the doors as we would any family member. And Tavis, being Tavis, burst in like he’d never left. By the time he was done letting us know about his new and improved, but kind of similar State of […]