Kym Whitley is most widely known for her roles in various movies and tv shows that offer her raw comedic stylings. However, Kym now stars…

When news reports surfaced saying hip-hop manager Chris Lighty died, the whole hip-hop community was saddened. In the midst of everyone’s grief, there were people…

If You Missed It, Originals

Today’s “Thursday Morning Mom” winner is Joanne Anderson.

If You Missed It, Originals

Dear Tom, My mother is a single mom of 4 girls and 2 boys – and she raised us all by herself since my littlest brother was four years old. All these years, I watched my mom She put her life on hold to bring us up right and always put us first. She was […]

National News

WHEATON, Ill. (AP) — A suburban Chicago woman stabbed her 7-year-old son 100 times because she was angry with her husband and a 5-year-old girl about 50 times because she witnessed the attack, as both children prayed and begged for their lives, prosecutors said Thursday. DuPage County State's Attorney Robert Berlin said Elzbieta Plackowska, 40, […]

Entertainment Video

Single moms, we know you’re sexy…but what do you do with all that when you’ve got to juggle school, sports, doctor’s appointments, play dates, and we haven’t even touched on your personal to-do list. Wild Mamas Nikki and Mary help you explore your dating options.