WHAT EXACTLY IS LACTOSE INTOLERANCE? Lactose intolerance is a digestive disorder caused by the inability to digest lactose, the natural “sugar” in milk and milk products like cheese and ice cream. Lactose intolerance is sometimes called lactose malabsorption; it is not the same as being allergic to milk which is an immune system disorder (body […]


There is some indication that Stevie Wonder may be struggling with his health. Philadelphia radio personality Patti Jackson reports that the 6x year-old-singer is on dialysis and in need of a kidney transplant. We don’t know Jackson’s source, however, singer Melba Moore seemed to confirm that something is happening with Wonder’s health, as she asked […]

WHAT IS POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER (PTSD)? All humans are endowed with a biological and psychological stress response system. Our genetic “Fight or Flight” response is designed for crisis management. This life-saving response causes the body to release stress hormones to fight or get out of harm’s way (flight). It also automatically pumps the heart […]

According to a recent study, American soldiers tend to have worse heart health than civilians of similar ages. Even though army soldiers have to be in tip top shape only about 30% of them were found to have ideal heart health.  On the other hand about 50% of civilians have ideal heart health.

As humans there are some things that we all enjoy, sex is one of those things. There are some surprising benefits that come from having sex. According to studies having sex can cure a pregnant woman’s morning sickness, sex can lower blood pressure and it can actually improve your immune system. HEAD BACK TO THE […]

Life & Style

CHICAGO (AP) — Dozing off to late-night TV or sleeping with other lights on may mix up your metabolism and lead to weight gain and even obesity, provocative but preliminary U.S. research suggests. The National Institutes of Health study published Monday isn’t proof, but it bolsters evidence suggesting that too much exposure to light at […]

Recently Desperate Housewives star Marcia Cross has shared her diagnosis of anal cancer. It is likely connected to her husband’s throat cancer caused by HPV. Jacque Reid goes Inside Her Story with gynecologist Dr Nita Landry who warns that HPV is still an issue. HPV is the most common STD and its connected to a […]

A new study found that women who never marry or have children are among the happiest people. It also found that women benefit less from marriage than men. After marriage men take less risks and live longer while women have to “put up with that” and die sooner. So ladies….if you’re not married and don’t […]

If summer crept up on you, you are not alone. As we are realizing that summer is here, of course we are looking to lose some extra weight. Jacque Reid goes Inside Her Story with coach Jaz who advises against these quick liquid diets. Jasmine Graham is a fitness professional who advises us to “Pick […]


RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A Virginia man who weighs more than 900 pounds (410 kilograms) pleaded guilty in a federal cocaine conspiracy case Tuesday during a hearing that was held in a courthouse loading dock as the defendant lay on a stretcher inside an ambulance. U.S. Magistrate Judge David Novak said the court engaged in […]

Life & Style

Just like one diet doesn’t fit all, one supplement regimen doesn’t either. Vitamins should be based on lifestyle, age, gender, health goals, stress levels, sleep patterns, dietary restrictions, medical conditions and the medications you are taking to name a few. Personalized vitamins reduce the risk of nutrient deficiencies while preventing a buildup of excess vitamins in your body. For […]

WHAT EXACTLY IS LEUKEMIA? Leukemia is cancer of the blood.  Blood has a number of cells in it.  Among them are white cells that fight infection, red cells that carry oxygen and platelets that cause blot to clot and cause wounds to stop bleeding.  Cancer is when a group of cells grow uncontrollably and symptoms […]