Black America Web celebrates Black Music Month by saluting influential icons in the music industry

The violence toward unarmed black bodies when dealing with police has become impossible to ignore. There seems to be a rapid-fire release of video evidence of police officers showing a complete disregard for the lives of unarmed black people as they shoot recklessly and without adequate reason. D.L. Hughley discusses the problem of poorly trained […]

Ryan Coogler, Ava DuVernay, Common, David Oyelowo, and more get together for a powerful video series remembering the lives lost in police brutality. The series of autobiographical videos created by black actors and directors highlights what their lives would’ve been had they encountered police brutality at a young age. “[My career wouldn’t] have been possible if, when I […]

Top News

It was just last week that a Yale employee made national news when he destroyed a glass panel in the campus dining hall that depicted slaves picking cotton. Corey Menafee was arrested and fired after destroying campus property, but today he got some good news involving the incident.   ABC News is reporting that Corey […]

Quotes from a 2015 interview with rapper A$AP Rocky recently surfaced online, and he came under fire for pretty much saying that he can’t be bothered with this  black lives matter nonsense. He would rather get high, spread his seed to as many THOTS and IG models as possible, and then retire to his comfy […]

DL Hughley Show Trending

It was just last week that a Yale employee made national news when he destroyed a glass panel in the campus dining hall that depicted slaves picking cotton. Corey Menafee was arrested and fired after destroying campus property, but today he got some good news involving the incident.   ABC News is reporting that Corey […]

App Feed, News, Top News

WASHINGTON (AP) — The son of the Louisiana man shot dead by police wants President Barack Obama to help end world racism. The mother of a policeman pleads for ways to keep her son safe. A single mom who has sent her son away from a rough Baltimore neighborhood worries over how to keep him […]

The singer, mom, and reality star is under fire after seemingly supporting the #ALM movement.

Carmelo Anthony, Chris Paul, Dwyane Wade and LeBron James spoke out about racial profiling and police violence.

Tyrese recently cited the #BlackLivesMatter movement as a reason for a truce between him and ex-wife Norma.

DL Hughley Show Trending

Almost a week after the tragic events that took place in Dallas and claimed the lives of five police officers, a memorial service was held today to formally lay them rest and attended by President Obama. The President gave a moving speech about the fallen officers and also the state of violence and guns in […]