National News

National News, News

NEW YORK  — The daughter of a man pushed in front of a subway train and photographed a split-second before his death said Wednesday after…

National News

Roderick “R.J.” Arrington was allegedly beaten to death by his mother and stepdad because he failed to read his Bible and finish his homework. Parents Markiece Palmer, 34, and Dina Palmer,27, are facing murder charges along with counts of child abuse and neglect for the late November beating death, reports the Daily Mail. According to […]

National News

SEATTLE (AP) — Legal marijuana possession becomes a reality in Washington state Thursday, and some people plan to celebrate the new law by breaking it. Voters in Washington and Colorado last month made those the first states to decriminalize and regulate the recreational use of marijuana. Washington’s law takes effect Thursday and allows adults to […]

National News

A Florida woman who suffered from a genital arousal disorder tragically ended her life on Saturday. Gretchen Molannen recently spoke with the Tampa Bay Times about her struggle with persistent genital arousal disorder in an interview. She committed suicide shortly after the article was published. The 39-year-old told reporters that she was initially ashamed about […]

National News

A Texas woman allegedly ran over her ex-boyfriend’s mother and texted him “Hows Life LOL” after doing so, KXAN-TV reports. Elizabeth Segundo McClain, 22, was charged with third degree felony of stalking and assault. Police say that McClain has a history of stalking her ex- boyfriend, Ryan Boyd, 25. She reportedly called Boyd hundreds of […]

National News, News

BERLIN (AP) — A famed bust of Egypt’s Queen Nefertiti is getting some new company to mark the centenary of its discovery: an exhibition of works giving a taste of the site where it was found. The show, “In the Light of Amarna — 100 Years of the Nefertiti Discovery,” opens at Berlin’s Neues Museum […]

National News, News

BERLIN (AP) — A famed bust of Egypt’s Queen Nefertiti is getting some new company to mark the centenary of its discovery: an exhibition of works giving a taste of the site where it was found. The show, “In the Light of Amarna — 100 Years of the Nefertiti Discovery,” opens at Berlin’s Neues Museum […]

National News

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Seven school districts committed to working with charter schools to improve student achievement will split about $25 million in grants from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, officials announced Wednesday. The funding is designed to deepen the collaborations among educators in Philadelphia; Boston; Denver; New Orleans; New York; Hartford, Conn.; and Spring […]

National News

President Barack Obama talks with the TJMS. Read full transcript below. — Tom Joyner: Big Chief? THE PRESIDENT:  Hey, man.  (Laughter.)  How you doing? Tom Joyner: I’m doing good.  How you doing? THE PRESIDENT:  Well, I am blessed.  Are we already on the air, Tom? Tom Joyner: Yes.  I’m rolling. THE PRESIDENT:  Well, listen, the […]

National News

MONROE, Ga. (AP) — The woman who was listed as the world’s oldest person died Tuesday in a Georgia nursing home at age 116. Besse Cooper died peacefully Tuesday afternoon in Monroe, according to her son Sidney Cooper. Monroe is about 45 miles east of Atlanta. Cooper said his mother had been ill recently with […]

National News

MONROE, Ga. (AP) — The woman who was listed as the world’s oldest person died Tuesday in a Georgia nursing home at age 116. Besse Cooper died peacefully Tuesday afternoon in Monroe, according to her son Sidney Cooper. Monroe is about 45 miles east of Atlanta. Cooper said his mother had been ill recently with […]

National News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Schoolteachers should have to pass a stringent exam — much like the bar exam for lawyers — before being allowed to enter the profession, one of the nation’s largest teachers unions said Monday. The American Federation of Teachers called for a tough new written test to be complimented by stricter entrance requirements […]