Allergy season is right around the corner and  Dr. Collier filled  “The Rickey Smiley Morning Show”  in on what we need to know to get through it. Listen…

Health & Wellness

Although she’s over the age of 40, TV and movie actress Tasha Smith wants a baby–now! The outspoken actress shared that she wants to have a…

On January 6, 2011, an overweight Angela and Willie made a decision to literally change their life. One of the events that led to this…

Health & Wellness

Triple Negative Breast Cancer Day is Monday, March 3rd. Buying a Shoe Pin supports thousands of women across the US. Last year 500 pins were purchased and that assisted the organization in helping mothers, daughters, sisters and friends in the following ways: -Drive women to their doctors appointment when they had no one to take […]

Health & Wellness

That “gold star” feeling you get when you stick to your fitness plans is priceless. However, making the commitment to exercise and following through is…

In today’s 24/7 world, people find it harder to log off than to doze off. Between responding to someone’s Facebook post, checking your mentions on…

Health & Wellness

Physical activity is great to get the body moving and to burn calories, but the most important part of any workout routine is the food…

Health & Wellness

With more women in mainstream media baring toned thighs and round bottoms, it seems that America has become obsessed with obtaining buns of steel. Some…

There is no greater feeling than the energy you get after a workout, but there’s nothing worse than your hairdo being wrecked to shame afterwards.…

Health & Wellness

Every part of the body needs care in order for the entire body to work properly. And one of the most intimate parts on a…

Health & Wellness

Does this sound familiar: “My boss is getting on my last nerve today…I need a juicy burger with cheese fries!” or, “My bills are stressing…

Health & Wellness

Need an easy, inexpensive and dare I say FUN way to drink more water? Challenge yourself to drink one gallon of water DAILY! Maybe you’ve…