
Lights, Camera, Action! But wait, how do I look? I don’t know anybody who wakes up camera ready, be they white, Hispanic, Asian, African American, or otherwise.  At the very least, they all need some facial powder, and a good haircut. But as with everything else, it seems like black folks, particularly women in this […]

For iPhone users: First let me start by giving my condolences to the Martin family on what would have been the week of Trayvon Martin‘s 19th birthday, had he not been killed by an over zealous neighborhood watchman with a gun, George Zimmerman. That said, I know I have to keep it clean on morning […]

The children of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. have sunk to an all-time low and perhaps it’s finally time for a real family intervention. America is witnessing a black family in crisis. In the latest pitiful saga of family-against-family law suits, finger-pointing, and name-calling by the children of Dr. King, Bernice King now claims that […]

Can you remember life without Facebook? Of course you can. If you’re an adult, you’ve lived many years without the online social networking service and if you’re African American, there’s a good chance Facebook has only been part of your life for five years or so. According to stats taken a couple of years ago, […]

Before you start on the “why is Black History Month the shortest month” rant, listen to Jeff Johnson‘s  3 Things You Should Know. Jeff explains why it’s…

Hillary Clinton hasn’t announced her intent to enter the 2016 presidential race, but a coalition of African American loyalists are urging Clinton to toss her hat into the ring. Former Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin and Seton Hall Professor Mark Alexander, who worked on the Obama campaign in 2008, have created an African American outreach initiative […]

George Zimmerman is begging for a beat down. Zimmerman, who was acquitted of second-degree murder last year in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin, is planning to enter a celebrity boxing match for charity and is waiting for a worthy opponent. If ever there was a person who should shun the limelight and […]

Naturally, a person who thinks sensitivity is overrated is the same one serving as a prime example of its necessity. As reported by the Colorado…


When have the GOP ever really been right? Almost never. Listen to “The D.L. Hughley Show” list the top 10 things the GOP get wrong…


The Grammys are known as music’s grandest stage for artists to showcase their musical talents and accolades for all the world. It is a night full of performances and awards given out, but last Sunday night’s Grammys has left some of Black America questioning the awards show. Yes, the Grammys do have value for any […]

Claudia Alves, the principal of Poulsbo Elementary School in Poulsbo, Washington, should be fired for using the N-word to describe African Americans while teaching her black, fifth-grade students. Instead, Alves has been placed on a leave of absence while the school district investigates her use of the N-word. Any use of the N-word is intolerable […]

What tone will President Barack Obama (pictured) set for his sixth year in office when he addresses a joint session of Congress Tuesday in his…