
Dear Black People: This is a critical time in our history. Vote Tuesday or be prepared to face serious consequences. Many polls show that Democrats are in trouble. President Barack Obama’s 40 percent job approval rating in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll is the lowest of his career – and more than half of […]

If you’re a parent, the idea of embarrassing your kid the minute he or she does something stupid often comes to mind – if nothing else to teach them a lesson. For me and my friends, public humiliation was just a part of growing up. It didn’t matter where you were – grocery store, department […]

Brace yourselves NFL fans: Ray Rice, who cold-cocked his then-fiancée in a hotel elevator and dragged her on the floor like a sack of potatoes, could return to the field. Rice, 27, the ex-Baltimore Ravens running back, will appeal his indefinite domestic violence ban from the NFL in early November. The hearing for Rice’s appeal […]

Super Bowl champion Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson was accused of not being Black enough and essentially called an ‘Uncle Tom,’ within the confines of his own locker room. It’s unfortunate that every person in that locker room that looks like Wilson doesn’t see him a as a brother because Wilson embodies everything that is Black and […]

When I was a kid, I would lay around dreaming about being rich. But I quickly realized that unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you’d have to get up and get to work to make it happen. But as hard as I worked and got fired and worked and got […]

The landscape has changed. A vandalized shell of a building is now a new coffee shop, a nice jazz club or a high-end clothing boutique. Places that were once known for drugs, crime and projects, now have city gardens and Whole Foods stores – and they now have white folks. For the past decade, gentrification […]

For iPhone:   Only one person has died of Ebola here in the United States, yet judging from the outrage we are hearing and seeing from some lawmakers you’d think there were many, many more deaths. Compare that to West Africa, especially Liberia, a country hit hardest by a real Ebola outbreak. In the capital […]

The sense of urgency over the Black vote in the upcoming mid-term elections is mounting. Black congressional leaders are feverishly urging black voters to turn out strong on November 4th, saying that Democrats could lose multiple elections across the country and Republicans could take control of the U.S. Senate, if African Americans don’t pack the […]

Black residents in Ferguson, Missouri are hoping for justice in the Michael Brown case but they are also bracing for the worst possible scenario: That a grand jury in St. Louis clears Police Officer Darren Wilson of shooting the unarmed teenager to death on August 9. A flurry of private meetings are taking place in […]

Chris Webber was one of those rare college players who understood the possibility of greatness. As a member of the Fab Five, the legendary University of Michigan freshman class, he showed us that the ability to play such a sport at the highest level demands not only poise in the face of impossible obstacles but […]

Three weeks before Election Day, Republicans are hoping to rally the GOP faithful and cripple President Barack Obama with a scary, one-word campaign ploy: Ebola. With news that a second health care worker who cared for an Ebola patient at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas has contracted the virus, some Republicans are moving quickly […]


I believed that Ferguson was all but forgotten. After all, Darren Wilson, the police offer who executed Michael Brown has still not been arrested. I figured he wouldn’t be. I thought that the rise in rage, drive, and hunger for justice in Ferguson, Missouri had reached its crescendo. This weekend renewed my hope for justice, […]