Willie Moore Jr Show

In case you haven't cried today, grab some tissues.

WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO START TEACHING CHILDREN ABOUT TIME MANAGEMENT, ORGANIZATION AND EFFECTIVE STUDY HABITS? The best time is as soon as children start receiving homework or weekly quizzes, like for spelling and math. Some schools don’t assign homework until 3rd grade, but there are others who begin in kindergarten so it just […]


For part of the country, the school year has already started but in the northeast, parents are putting the finishing touches on preparing their young ones for entry or reentry into academic life. Personally, it marks my son’s first day of school and I’m full of pride and terror.  While veteran parents see the first […]

Life & Style

Okay, Dad, it’s your turn to cook tonight. But between your late meeting at work and your kids’ various practices and playdates, you probably don’t have a lot of time or energy to put something on the table, let alone cook healthy dinners. While you are tempted to make a fast food run, you know […]

Life & Style

EL CERRITO, Calif. (AP) — How can a parent know if their child is transgender? What separates a young boy who might be transgender from one with a vivid imagination who likes to dress up in his sister’s dresses? What do you do if your daughter tells you she’s a boy? The Associated Press spoke […]


ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — During nearly four decades of marriage, Akosua Budu Amoako and her husband tried to have a child, without success. But last month, at age 59, Budu gave birth to her first child after fertility treatments. The full-term 7-pound, 4-ounce boy was born June 15 at Bellevue Woman’s Center in Niskayuna, near […]


Matthew Cherry is creating "Hair Love," an animated short film about a Black father trying to do his daughter's hair for the first time.


Before actually becoming a father, I always thought that I’d be the super strict disciplinarian type like James Evans in Good Times. Butt whoopings would be handed out like hand wipes at a BBQ restaurant and my kid would be raised the old-school way, just like how I came up. The spare the rod, spoil […]

Life & Style

A divorced mother of four is going viral for striking her daughter in the face after the teen “bossed up” on her. It appears the young girl had been fighting another girl moments before the incident occurred. https://www.facebook.com/100010377586095/videos/vb.100010377586095/449042818784967/?type=2&theater After receiving polarizing backlash for how she disciplined the young girl, she wrote a lengthy post on […]


In the past few years, political correctness has become one of the biggest issues of our time. You can credit bullying, shaming and everything else done to make people feel like crap. Most of all, you can thank our collective need to be “heroes” without the extra effort it takes to actually be one. At […]


On April 20, the cannabis community will be celebrating 4/20; a day in that began as a weed smoking moment of solidarity. As years went by, it’s eventually evolved into a day of awareness and myth busting. There’s still a lot of weed smoking, though. Regardless of anyone’s personal stance on cannabis, everyone likely realizes […]


At some point during the parenting experience, a child is going to ask, “Is that a boy or a girl?” It’s a valid question for a young child. They’re realizing that the world is larger than their immediate surroundings and are starting to crave details. That’s a red car, the ball is round, the cookie […]