Though there are many entrepreneurs and unemployed individuals singing praises of the Affordable Care Act and its ability to provide affordable health insurance to millions…

National News

HONOLULU (AP) — A December surge propelled health care sign-ups through the government’s rehabilitated website past the 1 million mark, the Obama administration said Sunday,…

Russ Parr Interviews

The early deadline to sign up for Obamacare has ended, but senior advisor to the President, Valarie Jarrett talked to “The Russ Parr Morning Show” about other options for those you missed it. Listen to the exclusive interview in the audio to find out  how you can still get coverage despite missing this week’s deadline. […]

News, Top News

HATFIELD, Mass. (AP) — Massachusetts state police say they’ve stopped a car carrying 1,250 packets of heroin stamped “Obamacare” and “Kurt Cobain” and arrested the four people inside it. Police say a trooper was making a traffic stop in Northampton when another car passed and he noticed several violations. He stopped the car a short […]

The Obama administration announced that it will allow individuals whose health care policies were canceled under the Affordable Care Act’s new rules to qualify for a hardship exemption, meaning they are not required to purchase a plan under the new law. In addition to their existing options these individuals will also be able to buy a […]

National News

Public opposition to the new health care law has eased in the past month, enough to help level off Barack Obama’s falling popularity – but not to turn it around. Fifty-five percent of Americans in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll disapprove of the president’s job performance overall, unchanged from last month’s reading as the […]

For Anton Gunn, the journey to become a successful health care advocate began with a deeply personal experience. “It hit me to the core,” Gunn, the Director External Affairs for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, said in an interview with Ten years ago, Gunn was 30 years old and recently married. […]

National News

Well, well, well…it looks like Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) is taking full advantage of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), enrolling his entire family and accepting…

DL Hughley Show Trending

Well, well, well…it looks like Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) is taking full advantage of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), enrolling his entire family and accepting…

It’s rather hilarious that a bigot precedes some deeply prejudice comments he made at a holiday party with, ”We cannot win without the independents and the…

President Barack Obama continues to inform the public about the many benefits of the Affordable Care Act. The latest message of his administration explains that…

President Barack Obama continues to inform the public about the many benefits of the Affordable Care Act. The latest message of his administration explains that…