Former NBA star Jayson Williams has struggled with addiction and incarceration for years, now he’s helping others overcome their struggles. “I always knew I had a drinking problem,” Williams explained, when his dad was alive he kept him busy but after he passed Williams lost his structure and then “came destruction,” he said. Now, he’s […]

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60 Minutes Sports sat down with former NBA player Jayson Williams, who spent 26 months in prison for murdering his limo driver and now calls himself a “coward” for attempting to cover it up. Costas “Gus” Christofi, who had been chauffeuring Williams and his friends around town for a wild night out, was accidentally shot […]

Believe it or not, several famous folks have been accused of killing other people.  Many were involved in tragic accidents that resulted in deaths, while others committed cold-blooded murder.

The oftentimes troubled  ex-NBA-star Jayson Williams (pictured) reportedly filed a lawsuit last year against his former landlord, the Berkeley Hall Club. The filing against the…