's decision comes after the Mountain View, California tech giant announced plans this spring to recruit more women and people of color into one of the best paid growth industries in the nation.

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In a piece written on The Wrap, he fired back at critics who said his daughter Aurora, whose mother is White, isn’t “Black enough” for her role as the Black character in the film Jem And The Holograms.

Matt Damon's politically incorrect standpoint on diversity has added to the ongoing conversation of racial inequality in Hollywood.

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Silicon Valley‘s diversity problem is well-known. As Bloomberg reported last fall, Black and Hispanic people combined only had 6 percent of the tech jobs at four…

Deadline realized exactly how ridiculous it sounded last week when it allowed one of its columnists to whine about the influx of “ethnic castings.” Nellie…

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A new report released by the Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies at UCLA reveals that Hollywood is dominated by White men. The…


It’s no secret that Hollywood has a diversity problem; one glance at last week’s Academy Awards, which boasted not one African American nominee in any…

If you were in control of a city government under siege with charges of racial profiling, police brutality and totalitarian administration, don’t you think you’d…

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Whoa! Are you ready for this incredible piece of news? In 1950, Africa only made up 9 per cent of the world’s population right? But according to a report by the United Nations, that will change by the end of the century; the numbers will increase substantially, with 40 per cent of humanity being of […]

The Black Beat

If you’re looking for people of color in your summer sci-fi blockbuster, you’ll be waiting for a long time. A new infographic form Lee &…

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Jobs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics are projected to grow by 17 percent by 2018, compared to 9.8 percent for jobs in other fields,…


BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) — ABC’s fall slate includes new series about black, Asian-American and Hispanic families. But calling the network’s choices a case study in diversity is to miss the point, said Paul Lee, ABC Entertainment Group president. “It is a mission statement to reflect America,” Lee told the summer meeting of the Television […]