Summer is coming to a close and much like the rest of us, celebrity families are taking in the last days of the season by…

Gone Viral!

Blue Ivy has her floss game tight at the tender age of three. The famous daughter of Beyonce and Jay Z popped up with her mom on Instagram this morning flossing their pearly whites as her dad’s track with Timbaland played in the background. Like on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter.

Beyoncé and Jay Z do not play when it comes to their daughter’s safety, but they are starting to tick other parents at Blue Ivy’s…

Beyoncé and Jay Z do not play when it comes to their daughter’s safety, but they are starting to tick other parents at Blue Ivy’s…

The paparazzi caught the wrath from none other than Tina Knowles after some of them tried to snap shots of her grandbaby Blue Ivy. You…

After spending some time in the frozen tundra for Jay Z’s birthday, Beyoncé decided to thaw out for Christmas. Her beautifully decorated home aside, Bey…

Entertainment News

Beyonce, Jay Z and little miss Blue Ivy were spotted at JFK this morning on their way to Dubai- and that’s when it happened. Yep, the little one saw an opening an went for it. OK, the “it” being nothing, really. She was just doing what little tykes do: making a mad dash for nowhere […]

According to Special K, Jay Z and Beyonce are doing something special for kids less fortunate. Listen to the audio player to hear what they’re doing…

Christmas in the Knowles-Carter household is all about Blue! Beyoncé and Jay Z just couldn’t wait for Thanksgiving to start decorating for Christmas, and they…