
Black America Web celebrates Black Music Month by saluting influential icons in the music industry

News, Top News

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (AP) — Authorities are prepared to resume deporting non-citizens without legal residency in the Dominican Republic after largely putting the practice on hold for a year, the head of the country’s immigration agency said Tuesday. Army Gen. Ruben Paulino said his agency, with help from the military, will begin patrolling neighborhoods […]

Settlement reached in case of unarmed black woman killed by homeowner on his porch — Huffington Post (@HuffingtonPost) June 15, 2015 The family of…

National News

WASHINGTON (AP) — With a presidential field approaching 20 high-profile Republicans, the GOP’s 2016 class offers voters a little bit of everything. There is the top-tier, a group that includes former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who formally launched his candidacy on Monday. There are the single-issue candidates such as South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who […]

Ivy Taylor, appointed interim mayor of San Antonio, Texas last summer, defeated former state Sen. Leticia Van de Putte in a hotly contested runoff election…

Top News

NEW YORK (AP) — The woman who resigned as head of a local NAACP branch after her parents said she was white said Tuesday that she started identifying as black around the age of 5, when she drew self-portraits with a brown crayon, and “takes exception” to the contention that she tried to deceive people. […]

  Rachel Dolezal. Is she white? Is she black? She’s been quoted as saying she’s transracial; kind of like transgender ala Caitlyn Jenner. Is that even possible? Well, according to some psychologists, yes it is. Dr. Wendy Walsh told me on my CNN show last night that during adolescence and college, crucial formative times, her […]

Top News

DETROIT (AP) — A Detroit woman who was drunk when she killed a friend with a slow cooker during an argument over presidential politics was sentenced Monday to at least 23 years in prison. A judge followed the recommended sentence in a plea deal between prosecutors and Tewana Sullivan, who has a history of bipolar […]

Top News

NEW YORK (AP) — An appeals court is revisiting the issue of whether the grand jury record in the Eric Garner chokehold death case should stay sealed. The three-judge panel is scheduled to hear arguments Tuesday morning in Brooklyn. A judge on Staten Island had ruled in March that the records would remain under seal. […]

National News

5:00 a.m. (CDT) The Houston Independent School District has announced that district schools and offices will be closed Tuesday as a precautionary measure as Texas prepares for Tropical Storm Bill to make landfall. School officials say they’ve determined the heavy rainfall predicted for parts of the Houston area may make driving dangerous Tuesday afternoon. Schools […]

National News

LONDON (AP) — Schoolgirls in east London greeted U.S. first lady Michelle Obama with song, interpretive dance and squeals of joy Tuesday as she traveled to the British capital to promote education for girls. Obama met with students at the Mulberry School for Girls, some of whom were holding American and British flags, and she […]

App Feed, National News, News

MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton countered criticism that her personal wealth undermines a populist campaign message focused on the economic problems of everyday Americans, saying on Monday that her family fortune is “secondary” to most voters. “I don’t think Americans are against success,” she told reporters in Concord, New Hampshire. “Those of us […]