
News, Top News

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Community activists and San Francisco’s public defender questioned Thursday the police response to reports of a stabbing that ended in the suspect’s fatal shooting, which was partially captured on video by a bystander. Officers shot Mario Woods, 26, several times Wednesday after he ignored commands to drop a knife, San Francisco […]

App Feed

“I can remember one time she literally came home in tears. She went to all these stores and she couldn’t find dolls that really represented our little girls.” That’s what Trent Daniels, a businessman from Houston, Texas said inspired him to create a line of ethnic-looking doll babies for his girls and yours. Daniels was further […]

App Feed, National News, News

LOS ANGELES (AP) — One of the suspects in the deadly shooting rampage at a Southern California holiday party grew up in a family in which his mother accused his father of being an abusive alcoholic, according to divorce records. Syed Farook’s mother alleged in 2006 that her husband attacked her while her children were […]

National News

It's unlikely the vote will turn into law, however; President Barack Obama has vowed to veto the bill, which also contains language to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act.

Tontrevion Campbell and his mother were victims of a burglary over Thanksgiving weekend. While the family attended church on Sunday, many of the mother's items were taken, in addition to Tontrevion's hand-me-down Xbox console and every game he owned.

Top News

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — More than two weeks after protesters built an encampment outside a Minneapolis police station to protest the fatal shooting of a black man by police, officers moved in early Thursday to tear it down and evict the demonstrators. Officers ordered around 50 chanting demonstrators to disperse about 4 a.m., and soon began […]

National News

SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. (AP) — The latest on the mass shooting at a social services facility in San Bernardino, California (all times local): 9:10 a.m. President Barack Obama is ordering U.S. flags to be flown at half-staff to honor the victims of the shooting in California that left 14 people dead. The White House says […]

National News

CLIFTON, N.J. (AP) — Five fifth-graders in northern New Jersey were suspended after they were detained by police for allegedly plotting to attack a high school during a field trip. The students from School 11 in Clifton were detained on Wednesday. They brought a device allegedly filled with vinegar and cinnamon to school and were […]

Top News

Screw the rules of discrimination. And to hell with the rules of accountability. One employer is ignoring both at once by rescinding a job offer he made to a recent university graduate using her hairstyle as the reason why she can’t work at the company; and blaming that reason on what “clients” want or, in […]

Top News

BALTIMORE (AP) — Officer William Porter did nothing to help Freddie Gray as he lay helpless on the floor of a Baltimore police transport van complaining that he couldn’t breathe and pleading for a medic, prosecutors said. But defense attorneys painted a wholly different portrait of the young officer during opening statements Wednesday in one […]

National News

JOHANNESBURG (AP) — A South African appeals court on Thursday convicted Oscar Pistorius of murder, overturning a lower court’s conviction of the double-amputee Olympian on the lesser charge of manslaughter for shooting girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp to death in 2013. Justice Lorimer Eric Leach of the Supreme Court of Appeal delivered the ruling by the five-judge […]

App Feed, National News, News

WASHINGTON (AP) — There have been 143 security breaches or attempted breaches at facilities secured by the Secret Service in the last 10 years, according to a lengthy House Oversight and Government Reform Committee report critical of the agency released early Thursday. The committee concluded that the Secret Service is an “agency in crisis” after […]