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In addition to being a catalyst for societal change, there are therapeutic benefits collective protesting can provide to those exercising their first amendment rights:

  1. Stress Reduction: The physical act of protest can be a healthy stress management tool insofar that it allows one to externally express feelings and emotions. Having the ability to discharge fight or flight feelings via lawful protest can reduce the onset of many common mental health difficulties.
  2. Camaraderie: Protesting with like-minded people who have similar reactions to injustices builds camaraderie and reduces the feelings of anger, loneliness and social isolation that lead to depression.
  3. Relationship Building: Alignment with like-minded people towards a common goal provides a social support system that allows for the cultivation of new relationships. These new relationships can lead to positive change by helping one establish a personal life purpose.
  4. Education: A by-product of exposure to new people is exposure to new information. Information leads people who are feeling helpless, frustrated and discouraged to resources that ultimately lead to long-term change. As a result of current events, many have gained insight into how the judicial system works, the importance of voter registration as it relates to grand juror selection, and how grassroots community-based advocacy can ignite change nationally.

When faced with systemic injustices, people often find it difficult to identify a place for them to personally make a difference.  By aligning with others and allowing opportunities for self-expression, relationships are built and opportunities for learning are created; people begin to come out of their anger and into their purpose.

Protesting does not change the system, however it does bring attention to injustice and provides an incentive for collective action toward ensuring that all lives matter in this country.


The Therapeutic Benefits Of Protest  was originally published on

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