
If there’s a body part that takes the main stage during physical activity, it would be the thighs. Lunges help to build the quads and hamstring muscles not only giving the legs a smooth and fuller appearance, but also making them strong enough to sustain and hold the body up in sex positions that require the flexing of thigh muscles.  Cowgirl, wide-legged missionary positions and any positions that require squatting all benefit from developed thigh muscles.  Doing 20 lunges down and 20 lunges back to start for a total of 4 sets will give your legs the workout they need.


Cardio is essential for keeping the heart healthy and building stamina to maintain proper breathing and bodily function during high performance activities.  When sex is performed rigorously, the heart rate is raised to help pump blood to the organs necessary for sexual arousal.  Performing 15-20 minutes of high intensity cardio daily will help with extending sexual experiences and facilitate in proper breathing during sex.


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Your Official Better Sex Workout  was originally published on

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