Life is a roller coaster and we all go through challenges. Jacque Reid Goes Inside Her Story with Cora Jakes-Coleman, who is no stranger to life’s challenges. Her new book, Victory: Having the Edge for Success on the battlegrounds of Life, will help people gain the tools to overcome and come through hard times. Coleman herself […]

If You Missed It

I know I always bring serious news to this segment, but today is one of those days where I have to report something that I wish wasn’t even a story. It’s already gone viral across the Internet, but today I am here to tell you the story of 17 year old Elijah Al-Amin – a […]

Tonight Tom Joyner will be being honored for all of his hard work and dedication to his community. The Multicultural Media Correspondents Association will be presenting him with an award at their 4th annual Correspondents Dinner in Washington, D.C. The organization’s Executive Director, David Morgan, tells Tom, “It is an honor to honor you,” and […]

A Wisconsin man was arrested for purposely clogging toilets at his job. The man says he doesn’t know why he did it, but he did say that he, “just got a very strong urge” to do it. However, he knows what he did was wrong and he plans to pray for forgiveness everyday. He was […]

Tom’s Boos are back together again! It’s been a while since we’ve had Kym and Sherri on together and Tom couldn’t be happier. But, the issue is Kym’s mic isn’t working properly so they had to share for a little while. But, the show must go on! The girls recapped their NOLA trip and it […]

This week’s word is a big one! Odds are you’ve never used this word in a sentence or even heard it. Rodomontade is not served with any sauce, white or red, and no it’s not a disease. It’s both a noun and an adjective, As a noun it’s an, “empty bluster or bragging speech;” as an […]

Donald Trump’s 4th of July plans were “as successful as a sloth playing charades,” Huggy says. The country prayed for rain the morning of Trump’s salute to America parade, which Huggy thinks was actually a “salute to Putin.” The Lord heard our prayers and there were some “soggy ass trump supporters,” waiting to see their […]

Chris Paul attended his first “white cookout,” and it sounds like it was an interesting experience. He saw MAGA hats, was offered an interesting brand of beer and more. He loves to remix songs so you know he had to sing about this. “White Cookout Baby,” might be your new favorite song. HEAD BACK TO […]

Over the weekend a lot happened in the NBA world! A lot of the stars of the NBA are now on the west coast and that means the folks on the east coast will have to stay up until 1 am to watch the games. Tom Joyner has a solution, if the west coast teams […]

Yesterday California was shaken up with a 6.6 magnitude earthquake. Rod Man felt the whole thing and says he’s “all shooken up!” He and his wife were at the carwash because he was leaving to go head to Dallas so he had to “spray off” his wife’s car and gas it up before he left. […]

The governor of Illinois just signed a bill that will make Weed legal in Illinois, and expunge records of weed offences. Which Damon is very excited about because there was a “lil thing from 1982,” that he’d like off of his record.  This legalization makes perfect sense to Damon, and he actually thinks weed should […]

The young lady seen in the viral video licking ice-cream has been identified by police and they’re looking to press charges. Madelyne is such an ice-cream lover that this whole situation has been stressing her out and she wants the police to take action. Then to make matters worse there have been copy cats! HEAD […]