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Sybil Wilkes discusses today’s news headlines the story about the woman who dragged her ex-husband after beating him up.

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Sybil Wilkes discusses today’s news headlines including Hasbro’s big change.

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Sybil Wilkes discusses today’s news headlines including the lottery winner who was killed with cyanide.

Sybils Book Club

[ooyala code=”lqYXU1ODqc47gfTz-M4nXg94Big19Z8h”] In Part One, Sybil Wilkes talks with Deya Direct Smith about her new book, Touch Yourself: 30 Ways to Live, Love, Let Go.  

If You Missed It

Sybil Wilkes discusses today’s news headlines including Bev Kearney’s resignation amid a sex scandal involving one of her former track stars.

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Sybil Wilkes discusses today’s news headlines including the latest on Hilary Clinton’s condition.

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Sybil Wilkes discusses today’s news headlines including the fiscal cliff deal.

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Sybil Wilkes discusses today’s news headlines including the latest disturbing details coming out of the Jovan Belcher murder-suicide.

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Sybil Wilkes discusses today’s news headlines including the first two funerals from the Sandy Hook massacre.

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Sybil Wilkes with today’s news headlines including an update on the Newtown, CT shootings.

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Sybil Wilkes with today’s news headlines, including the latest on U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice.

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Sybil Wilkes discusses today’s news headlines including the latest in the Oregon mall shooting.