The battle of Prince's estate has finally come to an end, with an even split between his half-siblings and stakes sold to Primary Wave.

After years of legal battles and "who gets what" family drama following the unfortunate 2016 death of pop icon Prince, The Purple One's estate has finally been settled and officially given a multimillion-dollar value to be split between publishing company Primary Wave and his surviving heirs.

A legal battle for the estate of soul legend James Brown has surprisingly been ongoing for the past 15 years since his passing in 2006, but thankfully we can now report that a multimillion-dollar settlement has been reached and it's quite lucrative to say the least.


According to the Star Tribune, Omarr Baker, the youngest of Prince’s six siblings, sold his entire share of the estate to a New York based company called Primary Wave. The company also acquired 90 percent of sister Tyka Nelson’s stake as well as 100 percent of Alfred Jackson Sr’s share.