The Delta Sigma Theta’s are taking pictures today and Jacque said Kym can’t take the picture because she wasn’t wearing all white. Jacque reminded her that there are strict rules however, Kym reminded her that there were strict rules about drinking while sporting Delta clothing.   READ MORE STORIES ON BLACKAMERICAWEB.COM: GET THE HOTTEST STORIES […]

Common came onto the cruise turned the place out! He didn’t just do his songs, but he freestyled about everything from Tom to the cruise and Donald Trump. Jacque Reid has some interesting neighbors on the cruise who are having a little more fun than others. READ MORE STORIES ON BLACKAMERICAWEB.COM: GET THE HOTTEST STORIES […]

Marsha McWilson is the youngest of 12 and has had a life filled with ups and downs. She lost four brothers, a sister, nephew and both parents to health issues. She was morbidly obsessed weighing over 400 pounds. She’s now 200 pounds lighter and made her television acting début thanks to the Fantastic Voyage and […]

The Fantastic Voyage just kicked off and Kym is already struggling! It’s been one day and Kym is feeling it. Tom’s determined to have people party until they drop because it’s a party with a purpose! READ MORE STORIES ON BLACKAMERICAWEB.COM: GET THE HOTTEST STORIES STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX: 

On Jacque’s last segment of Inside Her Story, she talked with Sophia Nelson, an attorney and author, about the latest allegations against R. Kelly. During the interview, Nelson called out Tarana Burke and her MeToo movement for not doing enough. Burke caught wind of this and got into a nasty Twitter battle over it. Jacque is going Inside Her Story with Burke […]

Fibroids are noncancerous tumors that grow in the womb. Causing severe pain and infertility problems, African-American women are three times more likely to get it. Jacque Reid goes Inside Her Story with PaSean Wilson-Ashley about her film called The F-Word, a documentary about fibroids in Black women. “I guess around 14 years ago the first doctor that I went […]

On the heels of Tristan Thompson‘s sex scandal, his girlfriend Khole Kardashian gave birth to their daughter. Now there are rumors that a complicated custody battle can ensue. However, if the two aren’t married, many wonder how it will play out in court. Jacque Reid goes Inside Her Story with Demetria Graves and Merissa Grayson, founding partners […]

When acts of violence are committed against someone the hope is that justice will be served. But what happens when the justice system fails you after being shot and left to die. Diona Clark was shot twice in the chest by her ex-boyfriend and left for dead. 13 years later her ex-boyfriend is going on trial not for attempted murder charges, […]

Black women are usually the last people to take care of themselves between having to take care of family and work. Self-care is important for a long and healthy life. Jacque Reid goes Inside Her Story with actress and now certified wellness expert Troy Byer about what Black women can do for better self-care. “Believe it or not the […]

African-American women are three times as likely to die from complications of childbirth with the death of Black infants double that of white infants. Research says that midwives can help decrease that number for African-American women. Jacque Reid goes Inside Her Story with Anayah Sangodele-Ayoka a midwife and maternal health advocate to find out just how it can […]

Life behind bars is no joke. It’s hard enough having to serve a short or indefinite sentence. However, living behind bars pregnant at the age of 26 for protecting your family without killing anyone, that raises an entirely new argument on the double standard of law against Black people in America. Jacque Reid goes Inside Her […]

When you hear beauty pageant, the first thing that may come to mind is pretty women, catwalk, talents and world peace. However, when you hear Ms. Black USA Beauty Pageant , you should think intelligent, beautiful strong women who are killing the game. Ms. Black USA Daphne Lee is proud of this pageant and the […]