Whether it’s an attempt to look a little younger or to contour the body after massive weight loss, plastic surgery is serious business and carries serious risks if not performed by a surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Furthermore, many people who undergo a surgical procedure are not always coached about having […]

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer affecting American men. In 2010, an estimated 217,730 men were diagnosed with it and 32,050 died of it, according to a report  in the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine by Dr. Charles Modlin, a urologist and kidney transplant surgeon and director of the Minority Men’s Health Center at […]

According to the federal Centers for Disease Control’s latest figures, 1 in every 50 children has some form of autism. Boys are four times more likely than girls to be diagnosed with the disorder. The overall figure, based on 2011-2012 data of diagnoses reported by parents, is significantly higher than the 1 in 86 estimate […]

Diet and exercise are just not enough to get some severely overweight people down to a healthy size. For them, bariatric surgery can be a safe alternative. “Bariatric surgery is, essentially, the surgical treatment of morbid obesity and obesity-related diseases,” said Dr. Fritz Jean-Pierre, a bariatric surgeon for the WellStar Medical Group in Marietta, Georgia. […]

Psoriasis is not common in the black community, but it can interfere with a normal lifestyle and social relationships. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune disease that appears on the skin. It occurs when the immune system sends out faulty signals that speed up the growth cycle of skin cells. […]

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more women are breastfeeding than ever before, including more black women, but there is still a significant lag in black mothers who breastfeed. Nearly 60 percent of black American women breastfeed their children, but that compares to 75 percent for white women and 80 percent […]

An estimated three of every four women will have to address the issue of uterine fibroids during their lifetimes and 80 percent of black American women are likely to get them before the age of 50. Fibroid tumors grow in the uterus, generally are not cancerous and can be as small as a pea or […]

Health & Wellness, If You Missed It, Originals

African Americans should be concerned about heart disease. Combined, heart disease and stroke are the leading cause of death for African Americans, says Quinn Capers, MD, director of Peripheral Vascular Interventions at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and associate dean of Admissions at Ohio State’s College of Medicine. When asked why African American […]

Sheldon Mba isn’t feeling the excuses when one of his peers cites a fear of needles for not signing up for the bone marrow registry. “You’re scared of needles, but you have tattoos and piercings. Really?” says Mba, 19, who is looking for a match to beat aplastic anemia, a disorder in which the bone […]

The headline was stretched across the top of The Washington Post last week: Therapists say African Americans are increasingly seeking help for mental illness. While no major studies have documented it by the numbers, therapists told the newspaper that they increasingly had begun to see more black patients in their practices. “I’ve seen an increasing […]

Have a “Get Well Wednesday” question? Text it to “646464” (OHOHOH). Theresa Lou Bowick knows all about diet and exercise. Now fit and trim, Bowick was once 5-foot-7 and 236 pounds. She eventually lost 75 pounds and kept it off with the help of Weight Watchers, but it was an unusual experience that inspired her […]

With the warmth of spring and summer come seasonal allergies and if it seems that they are getting more intense, that would be correct. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in a new study, reported that food and skin allergies were becoming more prevalent in American children and there were significant differences by […]