We all have bad habits…some are worse than others. And there are some that we should cut out right now, even if they seem harmless. One thing you need to stop doing is hitting the snooze button in the morning, according to researchers it makes you even sleepier! You also need to stop sharing makeup […]

About 15 years ago a plane crashed into a corn field because of a grain of sand. After several trips it ended up cutting the planes fan and shutting down the hydraulics system. That grain of sand shouldn’t have been in the plane but, it was a flaw in manufacturing which caused disaster. D.L compares […]

We have no idea how or why scientists figured this one out but, a “goo” given off by salamanders could help heal your wound. According to researchers the “goo” could soon replace existing surgical glue with this “goo.” The “goo” reportedly helps muscles and skin stick together well. D.L. doesn’t want that stuff on him! […]

‘Shaft’ was the perfect movie to take dad to see for Father’s Day because it features three generations of men working together to sold a mystery. Shaft the third enlists his dads help to find answers about his friend’s death. But, his father seeks help from his own father as well, the original shaft. Oleebo […]

Father’s Day is Sunday and we are supposed to spend the day honoring and loving our dads! Odds are you’ve probably dreamed of being adopted by one of these guys before. Phillip Banks, wouldn’t it have been great to be raised by Uncle Phil?! Or even James Evans…he was pretty cool! Don’t Miss Out! Follow […]

Texas will become the 15th state to raise the legal age to buy all tobacco products from 18 to 21. This includes e-cigarettes! People in the Military personnel will still be allowed to purchase tobacco products at the age of 18. Anyone caught breaking this rule will be charged with a misdemeanor and fined up […]

Why are white supremacists not registered as domestic terrorist groups? Congress woman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ased a member of the FBI this question and other similar questions and he was not able to land on an answer. D.L. says this is because in the USA White Supremacy isn’t criminalized. White supremacists are able to do things […]

The hair salon is somewhere most women go at least every few months. It’s often looked at as a safe place where women make friends and become their most beautiful selves…but they do have some issues. When a man walks in while your hair is looking crazy and halfway done, when you have to sit […]

According to a recent study, American soldiers tend to have worse heart health than civilians of similar ages. Even though army soldiers have to be in tip top shape only about 30% of them were found to have ideal heart health.  On the other hand about 50% of civilians have ideal heart health.

Omar Epps is a household name. He started out in the business as a young man and has now been in for over 20 years. In that time a lot of things have changed both in the world and in Hollywood. “there’s so much content being made” one would think that there would be more […]

As humans there are some things that we all enjoy, sex is one of those things. There are some surprising benefits that come from having sex. According to studies having sex can cure a pregnant woman’s morning sickness, sex can lower blood pressure and it can actually improve your immune system. HEAD BACK TO THE […]

There are some painful ways you can realize you’re just a booty call to your boo. If he asks you to pick him up from a date, you’re probably a booty call. If he makes breakfast in the morning for one, you’re probably just a booty call. If he leaves as soon as you guys […]