According to a complaint filed by a regional official with the National Labor Relations Board, employees at a Home Depot in Minneapolis claim the branch used its uniform policy to punish them for displaying BLM activism during work hours.

Missouri Congresswoman Cori Bush shifted her attention to the pardon of Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the white St. Louis couple who waved firearms at Black Lives Matter protesters last summer from their front lawn, as they marched through the gated community toward a rally outside the home of Mayor Lyda Krewson.


Black Lives Matter is catching heat for calling on the US government to lift the trade embargo against Cuba.

Footage has surfaced of Minneapolis protesters detaining a driver after he plowed his car through the crowd, killing one woman and injuring another on Sunday.


A viral clip shows a demonstration getting heated in Vermont.

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Facebook is under the microscope.

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The Atlanta Police Department launched an investigation of a Black officer caught on video using racial and homophobic slurs at BLM leader.

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A BLM activist plans to open a youth training center in Chicago. Fundraising is underway.

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Hundreds of Seattle public school teachers plan to wear Black Lives Matter T-shirts to school for a week. They want to spark a dialogue in the school district about racial injustice.

The Black Lives Matter platform addresses the need for education reform.

Politicians are promoting legislation in support of the Blue Lives Matter movement. It's a misperception that assaults on police officers are on the rise.