If You Missed It

01/22/14- Comedian Chris Paul gives us his hilarious take on the day’s hottest topics including the latest on Richard Sherman, Adrian Peterson, and Robin Thicke kissing another woman.

If You Missed It, Originals

01/22/14- Today’s “Christmas Wish” winner is Benny Zachery!

01/22/14- Sybil Wilkes discusses today’s news headlines including the latest on a shooting at Purdue University, an exorcism that led to the death of two children, and more!

Nationally recognized nutrition expert and published author Keri Glassman is the founder and president of Keri Glassman, Nutritious Life, a nutrition practice based in New York City. For years, Keri has been a leader in advancing a “whole person” approach to health and wellness.  She has dedicated her career to creating services and promoting education […]

If You Missed It, Originals

01/22/14- Tom and the crew open the show talking about Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, Peyton Manning, “Wolf on Wall Street”, and much more!

Actor/musician Leon Robinson, better known to moviegoers by just his first name, has done other movies, made music and appeared on The Real Housewives of Atlanta, but to many fans, he’ll always be known as J.T. from the now classic Robert Townsend directed film, The Five Heartbeats. Fortunately, he’s OK with that, even if he […]

01/21/14- Comedian Chris Paul gives us his hilarious take on the day’s hottest topic including the latest on Richard Sherman‘s apology, The Rock’s expensive gift to his maid, and Dennis Rodman’s trip to rehab.

01/21/14- Jacque Reid goes “Inside Her Story” with Maysa, a 22-year veteran R&B artist who has finally been nominated for a Grammy! For iPhone users:

01/21/14- Huggy Lowdown jokes with the crew about the Super Bowl, Richard Sherman, and more!

01/21/14- “Seriously Ignorant” correspondent Damon Williams rifles off the most ignorant headlines of the week including a story about a man who was arrested after giving a homeless man change.

For iPhone users: Richard Sherman, Richard Sherman, Richard Sherman. Everybody’s talking about Richard Sherman and his post-game interview. If you listen to the interview, it is obvious one of the producers in the control room told Erin Andrews to wrap it up in her earpiece. She confirmed that on a radio show yesterday. She says […]

If You Missed It, Originals

01/21/14- Today’s “Real Father, Real Men” winner is Anthony Moore.