If You Missed It

Sybil Wilkes gives the latest on the Colorado Movie Theater shooting,  George Zimmerman, and more on TJMS.

Jacque Reid "Goes Inside Her Story" with Dr. Venus Opal Reese about being homeless at 16-years-old but still managing to obtain a four degree and her PH.D.

TJMS talks with comedian Bill Bellamy about his upcoming projects and his upcoming performance at the Arlington Improv.

Rev. Jesse Jackson gives the latest update on his son  Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. who is currently undergoing treatment for depression and gastrointestinal issues at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.

In part two of her exclusive interview with TJMS, First Lady Michelle Obama talks with the crew about her new initiative, the "It Takes One" program which encourages supporters to make a difference in this year's election.   Read more about the interview HERE.

TJMS talks with First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama about the Olympics, Eric Benet, and her daughters in part one of her exclusive interview with the Tom Joyner Morning Show.   Read more from the interview HERE.

Dear Tom, My sister Pamela is the devoted mom of two and – as of last month – a grandmother to a beautiful baby boy. She works as a Psychiatric Therapist at Drexel University and she is always helping people. One time, she took in my niece’s family of 4 after they lost her home. […]

Huggy Lowdown greets the "self proclaimed store-front preacher" before he jokes about wanting to see big heads and big butts in the platform events. Joking, Kim Kardashian and Tyra Banks would be impressive platform feats, listen to hear his take here,

It was big day for African-Americans representing in the Olympics yesterday. Listen to hear Sybil's Olympic update and more on TJMS.

Chris Paul blasts through 60 seconds of Stacey Dash collapsing, the woman with the padlocked vagina, and more on TJMS.

Gabby Douglas' hair has been a hot topic for over a week now. Stephanie Robinson joins TJMS to discuss why people are obsessed with Douglas' hair and what it represents in the black community.

Roland Martin Talks with Ron Lester about the dissolution of majority black congressional districts.