If You Missed It

Contender #1: The Dallas Cowboys for beating Oakland Raiders 3-0, joking, "that score was lower than George Wallace's mama's IQ test." Contender #2: The Oakland Raiders, "seriously, you couldn't score anything!" exclaims Huggy, c'mon. Contender #3: Anderson Cooper's boyrfriend Ben for being caught cheating on "America's favorite gay guy" Cooper. Saying "do you know how […]

Chris Tucker talks to TJMS about his family, Barack Obama, and more in the second part of his interview with the crew.

Chris Tucker remains in that limbo of people who have once been very, very famous and then for reasons unknown to them or the public fall out of the public eye. It’s nothing specific that Tucker did or didn’t do. He didn’t beat up a girlfriend or go to jail or appear on reality TV. […]

Stallworth joined Roland Martin today on the Tom Joyner Morning Show to discuss that near fatal night, Duncan's current condition, the importance of CPR, and the Allstate Tom Joyner Family Reunion.

Huggy Lowdown's jokes with crew about Chad Johnson's terrible week, saying "he has already  head-butted his way into "Bama of the Week" hall of fame. Plus, the reality of waking up and realizing you didn't win the lottery.

TJMS talks with Bishop TD Jakes about the upcoming release of  'Sparkle' which hits theaters this weekend.

Roland Martin Talks with Senator Vincent Hughes about the Pennsylvania voter i.d. law  that could possibly prohibit thousands from voting.

Rev. Al Sharpton talks with TJMS about the impact of voter I.D. laws on the upcoming campaign.

Sybil Wilkes discusses today's news headlines including the latest on Paul Ryan.

Dear Tom, My wife Dawn was the single mother of 2 girls when I met her — Shyler and Shytrell. I had a son from a previous marriage – Marcus. It was at a New Year’s Eve Party…1994 going into 95…and we’ve been together ever since. She was going to nursing school but after we […]

Is misogyny and woman hating the new "I love you" leveraging off of Kanye's new song?