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Mammograms & How To Prevent Breast Cancer | Medical Minute With Dr. Mel

Medical Minute With Dr. Mel

Source: Reach Media / Radio One Digital

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Dr. Melissa Clarke is back with her medical minute. Dr. Clarke talks with Georgia Alfredas about ways to prevent the deadly Cancer and some of the things that may have changed in identifying it.

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Read some of the key items below:

When should people start getting mammograms?

Dr. Clarke: The age is starting at age 40 but you should also be having annual breast exams at your doctor’s office starting at age 18. In addition, you should know your breasts better than anyone, because you should also be examining your own breasts monthly.

If you’re still having periods, you should be doing it when your breasts are least tender and you’re not just looking for lumps. And you’re also looking for changes in the way your breasts look the appearance. Of the nipple, rashes, and discharge from your breast. Anything like that, obviously you want to go seek medical attention.

Is there a reason for the age changes?

Dr. Clarke: Yes, because people are getting breast cancer at younger ages and it just became evident that if you kept it at age 50, you’d be missing a whole slew of women, especially African American women, because breast cancer starts younger. I lost my roommate in medical school at age 38 from breast cancer.

Georgia Alfredas asks Dr. Clarke more questions about Breast Cancer. Make sure you listen to the audio above and more with the Russ Parr Morning Show.