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3. Yoga

Similar to walking, yoga can help you get moving, but certain poses are perfect for speeding up your digestion and relieving gas, bloating, and constipation. You don’t even have to be a pro to take advantage of yoga’s benefits either. Simple moves such as these are easy to do:

  • Corpse pose: Lay flat on your back with the palms of your hands facing up. Allow all of your muscles to relax.
  • Supine twist: Keeping your back flat on the floor, bend one knee and twist across your body, letting it fall to the opposite side. Switch sides.
  • Cat-cow: On your hands and knees, inhale as you arch your back, pushing your belly down. Then, exhale as your round your back up.
  • Downward-facing dog: From a plank position, raise your hips to the air, making the shape of an upside down ‘V’ with your arms and legs.

4. Green Tea

Grabbing the green tea is a smart move. Its plant-based antioxidants called catechins help keep blood sugar levels intact and help combat a fat diet.

5. Coffee

Drinking coffee after a meal can get rid of that too full feeling. It works as a laxative and can provide relief quickly. Just remember to go decaf if it’s late in the day.

6. Fiber and Protein-rich Snacks

The day after, you may want to eat less, when in fact, that’s the opposite of what your body needs. When you overeat, your body produces more insulin. That extra insulin makes you feel hungrier and crave more food. To prevent giving in to those cravings, have a breakfast filled with fiber and protein. By adding those nutrients to your diet, you’ll feel fuller and stay that way for a longer period.

7. Sleep

Once you’ve done some moving, it’s important to get a full night’s sleep. Getting a full seven to eight hours can help your body fight fat the next day, and according to researchers at the University of Colorado, this sleep can also help you control portions the next day.


Ate Too Much? 7 Ways To Feel Less Stuffed  was originally published on

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