Bacterial pneumonia is often accompanied by chills, high fever, sweating, pleurisy (swelling of the lining of the lungs) and a productive cough with yellow/green mucus. When left untreated, it can become very deadly. Home treatment is typically adequate for flu; some medication is also a good option just to alleviate the symptoms.

The most important thing to remember is that when a certain illness is going on for more than a week, it is best to go to the doctor and get checked. Some would even get check-ups a few days after the onset.


  • Flu is caused by a virus while pneumonia is usually a bacterial infection.
  • People with flu generally recover after a week or two without any treatment while people with pneumonia typically turn for the worse and will need prompt medical attention.
  • Usually, flu can be home-treated while pneumonia needs to be treated promptly with antibiotics.
  • Pneumonia is more severe than flu.
  • Pneumonia can be secondary to flu.
  • Bacterial pneumonia needs to be treated with antibiotics while flu will often just need rest and treatment to alleviate symptoms.


Q&A: Is Pneumonia More Serious Than The Flu?  was originally published on

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