According to the American Heart Association, getting at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day can help lower your blood pressure while increasing your HDL or “good” cholesterol. Be sure to check with your doctor first before starting any new exercise routine.

3. Eat healthier.

Adding more fresh fruits and vegetables and fat-free or low-dairy products to your diet and limiting your intake of sugar, sodium, saturated and trans fats and red meat, which is otherwise known as the DASH diet, can lower your blood pressure in just two weeks.

4. Eliminate stress.

Too much stress can be poisonous and wreak havoc on your health. Not only does stress increase your muscle tension, heart rate and blood pressure, but it can also lead to habits that increase your risk for developing heart disease, such as overeating, which can cause further damage to your arteries. The best solution? Take part in activities that relax you.


4 Ways To Live Longer With Heart Disease  was originally published on

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