Your mouth is full of bacteria – mostly good bugs which hold the bad bugs in check. Zapping you mouth with an alcohol-based mouthwash may be exactly the opportunity the bad bugs need to gain the upper hand.

With loss of saliva, you also lose the buffering capacity to limit damage caused by harsh chemicals. Damage to your teeth from sugar and dietary acids can accelerate the damage. The truth of the matter is, the dryness of your mouth means you’ll soon have more of a bad breath issue. Thirty minutes after the mouthwash your breath is worse than ever.

That means you’ll be reaching for another swig of that mouthwash and your chances of recovering your mucous shield are further compromised. You’re caught in a vicious mouthwash cycle that harms your oral health and can potentially threaten your life.

That’s how your mouthwash can backfire on you.

Instead of commercial mouthwashes, a simple saltwater mouth rinse can be made at home. This involves mixing 1/2 teaspoon salt in 8 ounces of water. It is less irritating than alcohol-based rinses and can be used to cleanse oral tissue.


How Mouthwash Could Be Bad For You  was originally published on

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