2.       Reduce your exposure to outdoor allergens. You should stay indoors as much as possible on dry and windy days. The best time to go outside is after a good rain. The rain helps clear pollen build up on automobile surfaces and other stationery outdoor spaces. Reduce mowing the lawn and other gardening activities that increase exposure to pollen and other environmental stimulants.  Don’t hang your laundry to dry outside to avoid pollen adherence to clothing and linens.

3.       Keep a daily pulse on allergy counts. Seasonal allergy signs and symptoms can flare up when there’s a lot of pollen in the air. Make sure to check your local TV or radio station or download an app to check the current pollen count. Pollen counts are at their peak in the morning, so try to limit outdoor activities during peak pollen times.

4.       Keep indoor air clean. Unfortunately, there is no miracle formula that will magically eliminate all allergens from the air surrounding you. But, taking steps like using the air conditioning in your home and car can improve the quality of the air you breathe. To make the use of air conditioning even more effective, use high-efficiency air filters and change them per the manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure the best quality air flow. Lastly, keeping your carpets and floors clean and dust free will eliminate allergy inducing pet dander and debris.

5.       You are what you eat. Many people fail to realize that certain foods can heighten allergic responses and increase inflammation. Start keeping a watchful eye on your food intake. When you notice symptoms like nausea, headache, dizziness or an itchy throat or wheezing, take note of the foods you’ve consumed. You may notice a trend that the foods you’re eating are additional culprits and irritants in your battle against seasonal allergies. Avoid dairy products, chocolate and added sugars when you’re experiencing an allergic flare or considering an outdoor adventure. Also, be sure to drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and best positioned to detox and fight inflammation.



Quick Guide To Seasonal Allergy Relief  was originally published on blackdoctor.org

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