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Rhythm’s Superfood Chips are new baked chips are made with Superfood grains (such as quinoa, amaranth seeds and oat brain) for a healthy chips that have 50 percent less fat per serving than the leading potato chip brands. Trust me, as someone who absolutely love potato chips and all kinds of crunchy snacks, but with the crazy amount of calories many of my favorite chips have, I could easily find myself shopping for bigger pants after indulging.

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Superfood chips are available in four flavors including Sea Salt, Barbeque, Nacho & Jalapeno Lime! Please do yourself a favor and try these amazing chips with incredible flavor!  In addition to being a good source of fiber, they are gluten-free and kosher-dairy certified and guilt-free! Baked chips never tasted this good!

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Superfood Chips Are The Sneakiest & Yummiest Way To Snack On Grains You Need  was originally published on hellobeautiful.com