Health & Wellness

When it comes to living a healthy life, getting regular check-ups are a must, and there are two areas that African-American men should keep at the top of their lists, hypertension and diabetes. African-American men suffer from diabetes and hypertension at higher rates than men and women in many other ethnic groups and regular screenings […]

Willie Moore Jr Show

A new study gives men a new health option.

Top News

Barbershops are central to the narrative of Black manhood in the United States. It is where jokes are cracked, friends are made, issues debated, and,…

Health & Wellness

WASHINGTON (AP) – "Maxed out on the medications," is how Bill Ezzell describes his struggle with blood pressure. It's dangerously high even though the North Carolina man swallows six different drugs a day. Hypertension may be the nation's sneakiest epidemic, a time bomb that's a leading cause of heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure, and […]