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The controversy over same-sex lifestyles is now going from legislatives floors to college classrooms. In 2013, Morehouse College will offer students the opportunity to enroll in a course on the history of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. Just a year ago, the historically black college found themselves under scrutiny for banning cross-dressing […]

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HAVANA (AP) — Adela Hernandez, a biologically male Cuban who has lived as a female since childhood, served two years in prison in the 1980s for "dangerousness" after her own family denounced her sexuality. This month she made history by becoming the first known transgender person to hold public office in Cuba, winning election as […]

National News

Two parents helped their four-year –old daughter live her life as a boy. Sarah and Yuri Brown said that at age two their daughter Sophie told them she was a boy. "At first I didn’t argue with her much, as I thought it was just a phase. But she was insistent,” Sarah said.  Psychological tests […]