
Why do women struggle so much with weight? Can women ever lose weight and keep it off? In his new book “Why Women Need Fat,” authors Dr. Will Lassek and Dr. Steven Gaulin explain how women’s weight is controlled by evolution and how a change in diet three decades ago may be the reason women […]

Health & Wellness

The obesity epidemic may be slowing, but don’t take in those pants yet. Today, just over a third of U.S. adults are obese. By 2030, 42 percent will be, says a forecast released Monday. That’s not nearly as many as experts had predicted before the once-rapid rises in obesity rates began leveling off. But the […]

Health & Wellness

Fighting obesity will require changes everywhere Americans live, work, play and learn, says a major new report that outlines dozens of options – from building more walkable neighborhoods to zoning limits on fast-food restaurants to selling healthier snacks in sports arenas. But schools should be a national focus because that’s where children spend most of […]

Is fat the new black? Is it hot? Is it sexy? That’s one of the things we’ll be talking about this morning on the Big Show, the first day after a week’s vacation – when most of us on the crew probably picked up a few pounds. The fat question is up for discussion because, […]