According to research, several mammals have become nocturnal to avoid contact with humans. If this seems extreme…that’s because it is. This probably works out well for the animals but it can have severe ecosystem level consequences. Mammals have been adjusting to the presence of  humans for years by moving less, moving to more remote areas […]

Flesh eating bacteria cases and illnesses have tripled since 1997. Gross! According to experts the increase is caused by global warming which is allowing bacteria to survive a thrive in areas that were previously too cold. There have been cases up and down the Atlantic coast, across the golf states, the pacific north west and […]

Black women have to work an extra 233 days to earn what a white man earns in a year. August 22 marked the day that a Black woman would have earned what a white man did in 2018 alone. Full time working women across all careers and ethnicity earn 80% of mens median earning. D.L. […]

Phoenix police officers must report every single incident in which they point their gun at someone. The officer must fill out a form detailing exactly what happened and a supervisor will then review the incident. The goal of this is to provide a more complete picture of how and why guns are being drawn.

July 2019 was hot! It has been confirmed by experts that July 2019 was the hottest month ever recorded. 9 our of the 10 hottest July’s have happened since 2005 and the last 5 have happened in the last 5 years. Every year it’s getting hotter and hotter, which is dangerous. D.L. says this is […]

A new rule introduced by the federal department of labor would allow contractors who “exercise religion” to be exempt from accusations of bias in their hiring practices. The rule is supposedly intended to help non profit religious exercising organizations, and companies with religious beliefs, make decisions that align with their religious beliefs. D.L. says it […]

A new Illinois law requires insurance companies to cover the cost of Epi-pens for kids. The bill would require companies to cover all costs associated with the epi-pens for anyone under the age of 18. Illinois is ther first state to pass such a law and it goes into effect on January 1 2020.

According to researchers our brains become stiffer with old age. According to reports the brain tissue of rats became less flexible over time. This caused the fatty substance that surrounds nerves to regenerate. This causes difficulty sending messages to different parts of the body, causing issues like poor mobility and blurred vision.

Starting next year Illinois public schools will be required to include LGBTQ history into their curriculum. Students must study the contributions or Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, and transgender people, have made to society. The same thing is reportedly happening with Black history and other ethnicity’s. D.L. believes the LGBTQ history lesson will be short because until […]

A freshman senator has proposed a bill that would make addictive social media features illegal. This has been called a move against big tech companies. If you’re on social media you know that you can get lost just scrolling down your news feed for hours if you’re not careful. This new bill will require users […]

If you’re into beauty, odds are you love being on top of all of the latest trends. According to top cosmetic practitioners, the next beauty trend is bone shaving. This can be used to alter the jaw line, chin or nose. It can also be used for non cosmetic things like to alleviate arthritis pain […]

A new study has found that former NFL players are more likely to have an irregular heart rhythm that can lead to stroke. 460 retired NFL players that were a part of the study were found to be 6 times more likely to have this irregular rhythm than men who are not athletes. 80% diagnosed […]