
Whoopi Goldberg is catching heat from white-identifying Jewish people in America for calling them white. She has been suspended from co-hosting 'The View' for two weeks for commenting on the Holocaust. 

Whoopi Goldberg expressed regret Tuesday for saying on 'The View' a day earlier that race was not a factor in the Holocaust, saying she was “deeply, deeply grateful” for getting an education on the topic.


The Tokyo Olympic organizing committee fired the director of the opening ceremony on Thursday because of a Holocaust joke he made during a comedy show in 1998.


It's seldom remembered that Black people were also casualties of the genocidal Nazi terrorism known as the Holocaust.


KRAKOW, Poland (AP) — The Rev. Jesse Jackson has condemned recent outbursts by President Donald Trump targeting lawmakers of color and inner cities as “dangerous, divisive and diversionary” and says he believes they are fueling white nationalist extremism. In an interview, the longtime civil rights leader called Trump’s vilification of African Americans an attempt to […]


YARMOUTH, Mass. (AP) — Ryan Cooper was a 20-something Californian unsure of his place in the world when he struck up a pen pal correspondence in the 1970s with Otto Frank, the father of the young Holocaust victim Anne Frank. Through dozens of letters and several face-to-face meetings, the two forged a friendship that lasted […]