Black America Web celebrates Black Music Month by saluting influential icons in the music industry

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LOS ANGELES (AP) — Black Lives Matter, which two years ago grew out of street protests and a social-media hashtag, has quietly established a legal partnership with a California charity in a sign of the movement’s growth and expanding ambition, The Associated Press has learned. The formal relationship between the national Black Lives Matter network […]


Another day, another black celebrity that has jumped on “all lives matter” train, this time it’s NFL player Cam Newton who has caused a social media uproar after an interview he did with ESPN was released. In the interview, Newton didn’t explicitly say that “all lives matter,” but he went a step further and proclaimed […]

This week on News One Now, Roland S. Martin spoke with humanitarian and civil rights activist Harry Belafonte. In an exclusive interview Belafonte shared his thoughts on San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick‘s decision to not stand for the National Anthem to protest an America which he says does not value its veterans or Black lives. […]

DL Hughley Show Trending

Ever since the news first broke that San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick publicly announced that he would no longer stand during the national anthem due to the way black people are treated in this country, there have been a flood of opinions of both support and disagreement. On Tuesday, former NFL player Rodney Harrison […]

Russ Parr Show Trending

There is nothing that can be done to bring back a loved one who’s life was cut short due to the unnecessary violence at the hands of police officers, but perhaps the family of Akai Gurley can manage to find some peace and comfort in knowing that a settlement was reached in the wrongful death […]

DL Hughley Show Trending

There is nothing that can be done to bring back a loved one who’s life was cut short due to the unnecessary violence at the hands of police officers, but perhaps the family of Akai Gurley can manage to find some peace and comfort in knowing that a settlement was reached in the wrongful death […]

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New York Life handed its managing director Corey Multer a pink slip for calling Shanelle Matthews a "racist pig whore" on Facebook.


NEW YORK (AP) — Grammy-winning singer The Weeknd is donating $250,000 to the Black Lives Matter movement. The singer made the announcement Wednesday, days after donating $38,000 to the University of Toronto to establish an Ethiopian studies program. The parents of The Weeknd, born Abel Tesfaye, are from Ethiopia, but raised the performer in Canada. […]

App Feed, News, Top News

In an interview published by Bloomberg, Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza (pictured, right) echoed the sentiments of many who believe Hillary Clinton and her husband, former president Bill Clinton, just “use black people for votes.” “Early on, [Hillary] would say, ‘Yes, black lives matter,’ but she wouldn’t acknowledge her role in processes that fundamentally showed […]

One of the things the civil rights movement did best was stay on message with a central goal of ending Jim Crow segregation and racism. That message was delivered by the NAACP, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and of course the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) led by […]

App Feed, News, Top News

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson sued the city of Baton Rouge and police officials on Thursday, saying officers responded in a “militarized and aggressive manner” in arresting him and other people protesting a police shooting death. Mckesson was among nearly 200 protesters arrested in Baton Rouge following the July […]