
Black America Web celebrates Black Music Month by saluting influential icons in the music industry

National News

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana is poised to become the first state in the nation to expand its hate-crime laws to protect police, firefighters and emergency medical crews — a move that could stir the national debate over the relationship between law enforcement and minorities. If signed by the governor, the new law would […]

Top News

CINCINNATI (AP) — Each of the 13 children of a black motorist killed by a white University of Cincinnati police officer during a traffic stop for a minor violation will receive nearly $218,000 as part of a wrongful death settlement, a judge ruled Monday. Hamilton County Probate Judge Ralph “Ted” Winkler also ordered Monday that […]

National News

BOSTON (AP) — A Massachusetts state prison inmate has been charged with threatening to kill President Barack Obama. Alex Hernandez was charged Monday with two counts of threatening to kill and inflict bodily harm upon the president. Federal agents launched an investigation in March 2015 after Hernandez, an inmate at Old Colony Correctional Center in […]

Yesterday’s announcement of the Baltimore cop charged in the death of Freddie Gray brought about mixed emotions. The ladies of The View weighed in on the controversial decision and former Prosecutor Sunny Hostin seem to ruffle a few feathers with her comments regarding Edward Nero’s acquittal. reports: Whoopi Goldberg announced that they had just received […]

Though the vote is not yet “in the can,” and it’s certainly not a wrap, Republican presidential candidate nominee hopeful, Donald Trump, who has presumably traveled to all four corners of the entire world, has made yet another stunningly ignorant remark based on an assessment about one city, populated mainly by African-Americans, that comes from […]

National News

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court ruled decisively in favor of a death-row inmate in Georgia on Monday, chastising state prosecutors for improperly keeping African-Americans off the jury that convicted him of killing a white woman. The justices ruled 7-1 in favor of death row inmate Timothy Tyrone Foster in underscoring the importance of rules […]

Top News

BALTIMORE (AP) — The Latest on the trial for an officer charged in the arrest of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black man who died a week after he was critically injured in police custody (all times local): 11:50 a.m. The Baltimore Police Department says that although an officer charged in the death of Freddie Gray […]

Roland Martin talks to President of the Winston-Salem State University National Alumni Association Dr. Patti Sanders Smith, about the new North Carolina bill that could shut down three HBCUs (Elizabeth City University, Fayetteville State University and Winston-Salem State University. “This bill would reduce tuition at Winston Salem by 70%. The Divine Nine met in Raleigh and […]

App Feed

If one was to use Donald Trump’s logic and wanted to “Make America Great Again,” we’d be taken back to the days when racially dicey language was part of federal laws. It’s a fact that laws have been written in this country with certain language that today would make us cringe, like: “Oriental” and “negro.” […]

The student's mother believes this attack was racially motivated and is suing the Waco, Texas, school for $2.7 million.

A Louisiana high school prevented its valedictorian from graduating because he refused to shave off his facial hair. The school district said it has a longstanding ban on male facial hair. But it was not enforced during the school year.