If You Missed It

She’s hosting a brand new version of “The NewlyWed Game" premiering today on the Game Show Network.

Dear Tom, My mother-In-Law – We call her Mrs. Mae – has 3 boys, 4 girls, 20 grandkids, 19 great-grandchildren and one adopted daughter. Mrs. Mae raised all of seven of her children as a single mom, working diligently to give them a good life. She is very young at heart and is really good […]

Stephanie Robinson talks to the crew about early voting.

President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney faced each other for a second time this week as they shared the stage at the annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Dinner in New York Thursday and, basically, went in on each other – as is the event’s tradition.

Mark Morial gives the crew an update on 1-866-MY-VOTE-1

Last weekend marked this year's annual Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day event in Philadelphia, PA. With free screenings, lectures, cooking demos and more, attendees took their health into their hands. Lives were literally saved, including several individuals who left the event in ambulances with life-threatening blood pressure and sugar levels.

William Alexander Leidesdorf was the first black millionaire. His wealth was based on assets. Born in the Virgin Islands, Leidesdorf left for New Orleans at a young age and worked in trading. He was a sailor who had made a good living sailing from Louisiana to New York.

Pat Houston talks with the crew about “The Houstons: On Our Own” which premieres tonight on The Lifetime Channel.

Dominique jokes with the crew about The Houston’s new show, the woman who faked her abduction to miss work, and much more on the TJMS.

Huggy Lowdown jokes with the crew about Donald Trump and much more on the TJMS.

President Barack Obama will have you cracking up as he explains why Mitt Romney must have "Romnesia," of course we added a little TJMS twist.

Chris Paul jokes with the crew about the NBA banning pre-game celebrations, Evander Holyfield, and much more on the TJMS.