About Jazmine Pendleton

Sybil Wilkes discusses today's headlines including Juneteenth, Rodney King's death and more.

Jeff Johnson talks with TJMS about Rodney King's death and his impact on civil rights.

Jacque Reid Goes "Inside Her Story" with Jane Carey, the attorney for Allison Mathis, the mother of Chris Bosh's daughter.

Huggy welcomes back the crew, including J. "excuse me back" Anthony Brown. The celebrity snitch discusses Tom Joyner on the Wendy Williams show, Woody Allen, and more.

Kevin Frazier joins TJMS to talk about Michelle Obama and Rodney King.

Roland Martin talks with Tom Burrel about  Adidas "Shackle Tennis Shoe" and the role of advertising in the black community.

My dad, Jerel Harris Sr. is the most loving, hard-working man i know. He works as a registered nurse in central georgia. he is very dedicated to his patients, and he makes sure they are well-taken care of. occasionally, we will see some of his patients around town, and they tell us how wonderful my […]