About Jazmine Pendleton

In the world of hip-hop, rarely do you see the “passing of the torch” to the sons and daughters of iconic rappers. Sadly, most live gloriously during their heyday and then fade quickly into obscurity, their talents but a memory to the world and their children. One exception to the rule is Diggy Simmons. If […]

Alfred Hair a.k.a “Freddie” of Fort Pierce, Florida was a black artist and student of a well-known white art teacher named A.E. Backus. Hair was born pre-civil rights and used painting as a release from the segregated south.  His style of painting bright scenes of Florida, with no two paintings just alike, came to be […]

If you’re anywhere from the East Coast to the Midwest this weekend, there’s no relief from record-breaking temperatures. If you have power, it’s a good idea to stay in, but if you don’t obviously you’ll want to find a space to stay cool. For those around the country for whom double digit summer temperatures are […]